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Saturday, December 19, 1908

according to their notions of beauty. Ugh! but they are hideous! At first glance I don't think much of the waswahili. The average Arab is a prince alongside these chaps.

The servants here are not to be compared with those at Aden. However, Aden shouldn't get so much credit for that, for all the good boys are Indians. These fellers here are Swahilis,- they serve you in a nightshirt, which is quite some less attractive than the starched and skirted table uniform of the Indians.

I don't want to judge Mombasa too hastily, but there is nothing here that I would care to swap for what is in Aden, except the

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Sunday, December 20, 1908

Club. Though I am unacquainted here yet, yet in the short glimpse I have had of the club it seems to be quite a sociable place,- much more so than that icicle-encrusted organization down at Steamer Point.

Everybody seems to like it here very much,- perhaps I will in time.