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[[pre-printed]] Wednesday, March 31, 1909 [[/pre-printed]]

Went over towards Kilindini to the dentist's this morning, and then kept on to the "Feldmarschall." This is the first time she's been here since I arrived on her, three and a half months ago. It's a long way around Africa. Even further than that classic distance from Schenectady to Troy.

Met some very nice Zanzibar folks on board, and at dinner in the evening, and then we went off to the ship again [[strikeout]] afterwards. I was a bad boy, for I didn't get home until half past one. 

But perf'ly shober, gem'men, perf'ly shober. 
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[[pre-printed]] Thursday, April 1, 1909 [[/pre-printed]]

We had three mails in five days this week, and now we won't have another one for three weeks. The "Roosevelt mail" will be a large one. Teddy is halfway to Naples now, and [[strikeout]] is due here on the 21st.

Had a nice letter from Mrs. Slipp, who is on her way home, from London. She says that she was "glad to leave Aden", but adds "many times in the past three wks. I have wished I was back among the barren rocks."

By gum, I wish [[underline]] I [[/underline]] was, too! You will never get the Aden idea out of my cranium. Uncle Dwight said that when he got back from his first contract the only thing he thought about was how soon he could get back!