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[[preprinted]] Sunday, April 4, 1909 [[/preprinted]]

Jo and I were going up to Mazeras this afternoon, but at tiffin, it began to rain, and it came down cats and dogs until five. It cleared then for about two hours, and then settled down to rain all night.

It certainly does come down on that corrugated iron roof above, — by gum, I thought the dod-gasted thing was coming down at first.

Vining was appointed Vice Consul in this mail, so he writes. That's one slap for 'em up the street there. If I get my appointment here, that'll be one more. Inshallah! Allah Karim!

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[[preprinted]] Monday, April 5, 1909 [[/preprinted]]

Jo has been wondering what became of that ten-shilling piece he had. He finally remembers that he dropped it in the poorbox on board the "Feldmarschall" the other night. Jo doesn't mind being charitable about eight annas' worth ^[[occasionally,]] but he says ten bob is too much of a good thing. Seeing that the chances are nine ^[[out]] of ten that it's for the Ober Kellner's ailing family, alias inside pocket, I don't know but what I agree with Jo.