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[[preprinted]] Monday, June 7, 1909 [[/preprinted]]

Quite an amusing session at the Chamber of Commerce today. First of all Coureaugeu broke his chair when he sat down in it. He's rather a buxom Frenchie, you know. One of these chaps that every time he rests one leg on the other knee he has to hold it on with his hand to keep his stomach from shoving it off again. He fixed the chair for the next comer, who was that blighter Berthold. He was so blood wild that he raised the chair over his head, and bust it into kindling wood on the floor. After we got going I got most to the end of my speech and then started to stammer, and everybody 

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[[preprinted]] Tuesday, June 8, 1909 [[/preprinted]]

laughed at me. Then Coureaugeu got up and talked so fast that everyone laughed at him. Then we voted the Britishers down, and the President got sore and resigned.

We want two more foreign members on the committee,- the foreigners do all the business here, and we can't have any say in the Chamber or look after our interests. Of course, the committee will vote us down when it comes to them for final decision, and then the foreigners will all resign and form a chamber of their own.

And the foreign chamber will represent just about 95 per cent of the business of this dump.