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[[preprinted]] Thursday, July 1, 1909 [[/preprinted]]

Went up to the Corporation this afternoon to look at some ivory. There were about thirty tusks there,--an exceptionally clean ^[[& heavy]] lot,-and the owner told me he'd shot 'em all within three days! I should say the lot is worth roughly fifteen hundred pounds. That is a pretty good bit of money to pick up in seventy two hours.

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[[preprinted]] Friday, July 2, 1909 [[/preprinted]]

That chap,--his name is Pickering,--was telling me about how he got his pembi. It seems he went into the Congo and surrepstitiously and gently but firmly poached it. The Belgians nabbed him once, but he got away from them, minus his guns and booty, in the night, escaping over the Nile into Uganda. After a few days he got hold of a gun, sneaked back to the former hunting-grounds, and in three day's time shot this bunch that I bought today. It's a paying game, but a bloody risky one.