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[[preprinted]] Tuesday, December 14, 1909 [[/preprinted]] 

I've been so bloody busy here ever since Smith turned up that I haven't had a single minute until now to write in this book. Well, between us we shipped £6000 worth of the stuff on the "Herzog" today, and besides I sent off eight tons of Chillies. That finishes my twentyfive tons, and I've just had a genteel sufficiency of that article. It'll be a colder day than Mombasa ever saw, before you ketch me packing any more of those bally things.

We made a hell of a racket over at Smith, MacKenzie's tonight. Young Roosevelt was over there, and he was in tins for fair. Barnes came over

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[[preprinted]] Wednesday, December 15, 1909 [[/preprinted]] 

later, and started us all over again. I shall never forget the Christmas day in the workhouse, nor the similar festival in the harem.

15th. Smith beat it up to Nairobi for a few days, this morning. Roosevelt told me at the station (he was going up, too) that he expected to die sure the first part of last evening, but as the evening wore on the prospects of life seemed brighter. He was all right today.

It would be interesting to know Teddy's views on mixing drinks before dinner. We've had his ideas on about everything else!