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[[journal, 2 pages]]
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[[preprinted]] Wednesday, January 12, 1910 [[/preprinted]]

Well, I cooked up a little scheme yesterday, and in the execution of same I clumb aboard the  train at eleven this a.m. and beat it up-country. Today's [[strikethrough]] work [[/strikethrough]] mileage could hardly be called interesting, - the section up to Mazeras was already over-familiar to me, and then we got into the Taru desert,- more properly "jungle." From there until darkness shut in it was just a stretch of thick acacia scrub covering the plain. After dinner at Voi, I stayed awake until after the Tsavo river was crossed and then turned in. [[/page 1]]

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[[preprinted]] Thursday, January 13, 1910 [[/preprinted]]

Gosh, but it was some chilly this morning! I got up at five thirty, and was rewarded with a fifteen minutes view of the Kilimanjaro range. After a little breakfast at Kiu, we got right into the game country, and from there on, all over the Kapiti and Athi Plains we saw herds and herds, and hundreds and hundreds, of animals, - some not more than forty or fifty yards from the train. It was a marvelous sight.
After dinner at Nairobi we went on over the Kikuyu range, had rain just after leaving Limoru, and so past the first [[strikethrough]] glimpse [[/strikethrough]] ^[[view]] of the [[/page 2]]