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[[preprinted]] Saturday, February 5, 1910 [[/preprinted]]

I have figured up the business we did in the Mombasa Agey. last year. At 1/4 and 4.8665, that is, par. the figures stand:

1034 tusks of ivory exported
weighing 66054 lbs.,
worth $ 187688.76

All exports, worth $ 202830.29

2168 bales & cases cottons
imported, worth $ 89094.38

Total exports and imports,
$ 291924.67

Average monthly turnover,
$ 24327.05

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[[preprinted]] Sunday, February 6, 1910 [[/preprinted]]

There was not one durned thing doing today. I don't think we even won a fortune at Bridge.

My old Aden pal Schirmer is in Mombasa, during Gessner's absence. While hardly chummy, we at least speak to each other, which is more than we did during my last half year in the Bait at Captain.