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[[preprinted]] Tuesday, March 29, 1910 [[/preprinted]]

Very little diddin' today. 
Bought four tusks, bus. 
Referring to the weather, it's been damned hot here lately, and I don't care a rap how soon the rains come.

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[[preprinted]] Wednesday, March 30, 1910 [[/preprinted]]

Bought four more measly tusks today, but that was all. However, if we're looking for work we've only got to wait until day after tomorrow, when those confounded quarterly accounts will need pounding out. 

They had the drawing and sale for the billiard handicap tonight. Of course I drew nobody, and it's a good safe bet I didn't buy any horse afterwards. Whitlark drew Croall, all by his lonesome, who sold for 225 chips. You bet he didn't buy him, and that's where he was wise. The whole thing is a gamble, and it runs into money both ways. This pool amounts to over two thousand chips.