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[[preprinted]] Thursday, April 14, 1910 [[/preprinted]]

nice fellow, a Californian, and his hobby and mine are the same. There was nothing but track athletics to the conversation, as soon as we made the mutual discovery. His wife is more or less of a corker, but I don't think she can be as nice as Mrs. Bond. 

La Belle Slipp is as nice as ever and not quite so plump. It seemed good to talk to her again. P.E. is the same old American guy, and one feels thoroughly at home with him.

Winckler, of the ATC, whom I'd never met before, is in the house here now. He's a good fellow, and talks more or less American. Altogether, Aden seems quite good for the next few months.

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[[preprinted]] Friday, April 15, 1910 [[/preprinted]]

Calls being finished, Gott sei dank, and only two people found at home, much to my relief, I went over to the little club to try to get a game of tennis. My god. It was the woist ever. There was one of those frogs over there who looked as though he'd just stepped out of a comic opera. When he took off his coat to play tennis I almost doubled up. I shall never forget it. I caught myself just in time.

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