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[[preprinted]] Sunday, July 31, 1910 [[/preprinted]]

Tomorrow will be work day. Damnitall, it seems hard to work in this place. Its too pretty and perfumery and lazy-like. But [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] what must be did,-but not until tomorrow.

Weddell, the Consul here, entertained us at a lunch to Vining at the Club this noon. It was quite a success, and there were no speeches, thank the Lord.

Made the trip to Bububu in the afternoon. As I am to be a deadhead, I suppose I shall make it quite frequently.

To bed early.

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[[preprinted]] Monday, August 1, 1910 [[/preprinted]]

At work once more, as I took over from Vining this morning. There seems to be considerable kasi around this dump, all right, all right. And some high financing. I ought to be a regular Jno. Pierpont Lawson and Burton Holmes rolled into one by the time I get back. I must consider myself lucky in getting shifted around for a whack at each agency,-guess I'm a record holder that way.

Went to my old friend and customer Mau's, place, tonight. He took unto himself a wife 'bout two months ago. They're still cuddling, right before company, too.

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