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[[preprinted]] Sunday, September 25, 1910 [[/preprinted]]

Forbes and I went out to the "Great Northern" this afternoon. It was a good little row over and back (for the Swahili boys), and the wreck itself was rather interesting, but- there is always something sad and weird about a wrecked ship, and I didn't altogether enjoy myself while on board. Finlay afterwards told us that it wasn't hardly safe, on board, as she was only balanced on the reef, and was pretty well rusted away underneath. So I guess, all in all, that I shall not tread them decks agin.

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[[preprinted]] Monday, September 26, 1910 [[/preprinted]]

"Just a few hopes, just a few sighs,
Jus a few visions of delight,
Just a few dreams of Paradise,
and kisses in the night."

Can you beat it?

Uh uh!