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[[preprinted]] Tuesday, September 27, 1910 [[/preprinted]] 

I led in Bibi Mau to ye chikula tonight. The eats were good, and everything was going along "perfectly ripping", until Miraje came in and whispered in my ear that the ice cream was [[mbouw?]]. However, with the Maus and Schultze and Weddell it could be laughed away without much trouble, so we proceeded to forget it. Afterwards we adjourned to the veranda, and I showed the Bibi my picturebook and she claimed to be interested. She is nice and vivacious, but my word, those rah-rah rainments she affects are all to the Fritz. Oh, honestly!

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[[preprinted]] Sunday, October 2, 1910 [[/preprinted]] 

Our teaparty pictures came out very good, and I went over to Bibi R's to show them to her today. She was almost tickled foolish with 'em. Just like a child with a new choo-choo train and a red sailboat with paper sails. Well, I suppose I shall be famous in at least one town in Deutschland, as a consequence. Almost a hero, or, I would if I could but I can't because I'm married now. Professor, kindly oblige, and come out strong on the drumplay.

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