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[[preprinted]] Wednesday, October 5, 1910 [[/preprinted]]

Sikuku today. Zanzibar certainly is the Paris of this coast, for the costume parade here today couldn't very well be excelled. [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] Up at the Mnazi Moja it was just a riot of color, both costumes and people,- and gosh, what combinations! Coal-black bibis with orange spots dabbed all over their faces, silver tinsels from under the chin meeting on top of the head, bright green, red, blue and orange kangas, some cotton, some silk, but all vivid enough to knock your eye out,- then those funny trousers with the ruffle at the bottom. Oh, some of them baffle description. If

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[[preprinted]] Thursday, October 6, 1910 [/[preprinted]]

one were brought straight from home and out into the crowd, I believe he or she would just stand with wide open mouth and staring eyes just like the Priest Rube, at it all. Anyway, Sikuku in Zanzibar is indescribable and beyond words.

Julian Mitchell ought to come out for it and put it on at the Hippodrome, if he could. I think it would faze him.

6th. October rains are on. All day today. Chilly as the dickens.