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[[preprinted]] Tuesday, October 25, 1910 [[/preprinted]]

Busier'n hell this afternoon. Getting goatskins ready for New York. Got only 25 bales, but still that's considerable trouble, especially as about 40 tusks came in during the course of the afternoon. Will have a fair shipment by the "Gertrud."

In my hurry, as I found out afterwards, I passed one defective as prime. That will have to come out of the ivory a/c, but we have the margin.

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[[preprinted]] Wednesday, October 26, 1910 [[/preprinted]]

The local diplomatic corpse, likewise the wazungee population generally, are more or less agog (damned bright word that, for this weather) aren't (why, damme, there's another one, and even better, if anything) the Sultan's return to his dominions two days hence. It seems he met a charming little Parisenne when last in that gay metrollopus, with the unseemly result that Doherr fired 'em both off the "Prinzessin" at Port Said. They left for Cairo, and then booked on the French mail to Mombasa. The "Cupid" goes up to Mombasa to meet him, and it is said the Sult is going direct to

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