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[[preprinted]] Thursday, October 27, 1910 [[/preprinted]]

Went out to the German club this afternoon, and played tennis with Bibi Reinholz, Frl. von Bülow, and Mme. Radamelle. Your Uncle Dudley is hot stuff with the sex.

26th (continued).

Chukwani and start housekeeping there. If the ladyefayre does appear on the local scene it is generally conceded that there will be some entertaining, instructive and amusing incidents here these next few days. We shall see what we shall see.

Farewelled Schultze tonight. Good feed.

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[[preprinted]] Friday, October 28, 1910 [[/preprinted]]

The Sult arrived this morning, and it seems he left his secretary behind at Mombasa. Gee whiz, I wonder where old Cav. F. [[strikeout]] is these days? (I don't say "nights", for that would look too suspicious.)

So Zanzibar is robbed of it's promised excitement.

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