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[[pre-printed]] Monday, January 2, 1911 [[pre-printed]]
And now to work. I've got enough of it, with those quarterly accounts, and the Comstocks' and my own packing. It's probable I'll be sent up to Mombasa while Arnold goes up-country, but I don't know, and I don't care overmuch about going up there. Guess what I need is a trip home, and if I leave earlier'n Marck, I'm going home around the Cape. Oh, won't the little old U.S.A. and all that's in it, look good to me this Spring? In the words of the immortal Bill, the Bard of Avon, "Oh, say!"

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[[pre-printed]] Tuesday, January 3, 1911 [pre-printed]]
Still working, but not doing much else. I am sure going to go to bed early from now on, and the water wagon for mine, too. It doesn't do to stay up late nights, here. In my new born enthusiasm I declined an invite to the Imperial Deutsche Konsulat for tomorrow evening, and never have I regretted it. It makes me sleepy to write all this. No doubt it makes you the same to read it.