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[[preprinted]] Sunday, January 8, 1911 [[/preprinted]]

Spent all the morning packing my numerous household effects, in preparation of my forthcoming vamoose.  I simply can't realize yet that I'm really going home soon!  It seems as if it was only a dream always held out in front of one,-it doesn't seem possible that one can really and truly go home from here!  However, I'm anxious to try it.  I'll risk wan eye, anyhow.

Forbes came over for pot luck, and made his usual confession.  That boy has got an unusually affectionate disposition.

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[[preprinted]] Monday, January 9, 1911 [[/preprinted]]

Weddleski and I took a stroll out along the Zuwani road, during the course of which he characterized Amy as a "moral anarchist."  I shouldn't say it was quite as bad as that, though of course it could be used as a skeleton, in case of need, by those so disposed. 
Letting alone the Bible [[strikethrough]] Christian [[/strikethrough]] side of it, and that side of things is [[strikethrough]] has [[/strikethrough]] very little of an argument, he is probably a damsite better off than if he wasn't in the affair.  Physically, he is surely the better for it, morally--[[strikethrough]][[?]][[/strikethrough]] he isn't much worse off, if any.