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Saturday, January 28, 1911

finished yet, but when it is, it will beat anything else nearer than Cairo. And Gosh, but ain't it cold here! I go around in the day with a sweater on under a flannel suit, and two pairs of sox, and sleep under three and four woolen blankets at night. And here we are less than one degree from the Equator! The school geographies need changing!

There is an incipient menagerie attached to the house. Wild cats, an elant, some other antelope, monkeys, and a lynx and some skunx. I didn't know before, that them last two varmint were to be found in Africa. But they came from right near the house. 

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Sunday, January 29, 1911

This morning we made a two hours safari over to the bamboo forest on the plateau. It was delightful, and the path was pretty in the extreme, but I was more or less uneasy, as we were in big game country all the way, and not one of us was armed. We saw a fresh rhino track, but nothing in the flesh. We just dodged showers on the way back, but soon after we arrived it started to come down, and at the present moment, just as I am about to flop in amongst the [[bettkleide?]], it shows no signs of letting up. It sure is cold tonight.