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Wednesday, February 1, 1911

Woke up early this morning by the wind and an unfastened window. I got up to fix it, and there was the Great Bear, like seven diamonds fixed in the sky. I hadn't seen it for nearly a year, and it seemed like a link with home, and a good omen for my trip back there. I shall feel the same emotions in the South Atlantic on Mar. 23rd (I wonder if I've hit the date) when I behold the North Star once more!

I left Kijabe with a great deal of reluctance this morning. I certainly had a fine six days there, and it did me good too. It was a bully place. 

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Thursday, February 2, 1911

Got back to Mombasa this morning. I must say it didn't strike me nearly as well as Kijabe did. That was certainly one swell joint up there. I expected arnold would go up country as soon as I got down, but he's not keen on going up at this time, as far as I can see, I've got a three week loaf ahead of me. 

To the hospital to see Watson of Boston, who is getting over his enteric nicely. The place is full up. I hope to goodness I don't get anything these last three weeks.

My ship is in the Mediterranean now!

Lost my fountain pen on the way down from Nairobi,