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Friday, February 3, 1911

I thought, yesterday, that loafing here until my steamer came would be a terrible trial, but I wasn't quite so downhearted about it when the boy brought my tea this morning. I looked at it, sleepy-like, yawned, and then turned over for just one little snooze. They's some advantages in having the cares of business off one's hands. 

Went out sailing with Arnold in his "Ragu" this afternoon. She's a nice little boat. It seemed  like old times to be bowlin' down Port Reitz once more. 

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Saturday, February 4, 1911

That pheller Fillips is pretty near the limit as a seadog. Arnold let him take the hellum for a short time this afternoon and he sailed her closehauled, about six points off the wind, with the sheet tied down and the loose end tied around the tiller. He'll figure in the boating fatality column some fine day, sure. 

The cook was sick, so we all went to the metropole for dinner. It was damsite better than the Club mess is. If they don't include Feb. subscription in their bill, I'm not going over there this month at tall, at tall.