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Monday, February 13, 1911

Never brag. Never be too cocksure. I was just saying to Arnold today, "This d. watch hasn't stopped for two days, now." And it did, within the next five minutes. 

Went over to Kilindini and on board the "Prinzessin" where we found a haircut. I never have mine cut on top now,- only in back and over the ears [[ strikethrough]] years [[/strikethrough]], I mean. 

The evening was beautiful. The tints of the moonrise, on the way back, and then the full moon itself - a bush-fire on the mainland, with the palms silhouetted against the flames - all were indescribably beautiful.

My next full moon is waiting for me over on the other side of Afrikee!

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Tuesday, February 14, 1911

The girls must be forgetting me. Not one single valentine today! Not even a comic! On the other hand, I believe I'm forgetting the girls. Pleased you notice.

Again to the Horspittle to see Watson. He goeth to Kijabe Friday, and would that I might go with him!

To tea with Miss Marston. I wasn't sure whether she's be pleased or indignant over the portrait of "The Girl in the Train," but happily 'twas the former. Bombay Waller came along then and captured the prize, and I went back to Watson.