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Wednesday, February 15, 1911

Time doth skip along. [[underlined]]Thirteen years[[/underlined]] ago today the "Maine" blew up,- I remember that day well, and it seems only about half as long ago. 

Reminds me of Crazy Fuller. Fuller was funny at times,- and batty, too. One December day I said to him, "412 years ago today Columbus discovered America!" "Gosh!" says Fuller, "How time flies!"

Lake came in to say that the "Dunvegan Castle" has left Aden, and will be here on Tuesday!

[[image - drawing of three chairs, a tiger, and an exclamation point]]

(three cheers and a tiger)

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Thursday, February 16, 1911

Only one week more!
Nur eine woche mehr!
Bado siku sebba!
Ado fi saba yon!
Me bucko!
And then it's yours most cordially for them little U.S.A!

Absolutely nothing to do these days, and they go mighty slowly. I alternate between upstairs and downstairs, and this killin' time is no sinecure. I'm a little doubtful as to that last word, but I think that's the proper phrase. Is't? as Bibi Mau says [[strikethrough]]![[/strikethrough]]. Nicht? to quote Frau Elise. 

To the Horspittle to see Watson. Mackinnon was in the Alcoholic ward. The Scotch Dept., I should say.

Transcription Notes:
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