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Friday, February 17, 1911

With the beginner's usual luck, I beat the bank clean out at Canfield today. That is to say, after I'd not made expenses the first fifteen times! The bank is a pretty sure proposition in that game. 

Wold and Lauenstein came over after chop, and we had an inexpensive game. At "Schwartzesow" I made a corner and ran 'em out. Hell of a toff, these days. 

Very, very little doing these days. I'm anxiously awaiting my mail from Zanzibar, and counting the days until the "Dunvegan's" appearance on the scene.

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Saturday, February 18, 1911

Playin' Canfield with meself to pass away the time. I owe myself a hundred dollars, and I'll never be able to collect it in this world. 

To Al Bait Abisteen, as Amoretti's guest, to dinner, which was a damfine one. After dinner Amour and that Count chap certainly were a case. And the piano was almost nothing but that when they got through. Their Apache, their bullfight (the poor pup) their duel, were screamingly funny. Afterwards to our house, where we kicked up the damndest row Ndia Kuu has seen for a long time. The "Macaroni Twins" were the limit and then some. Sapristi!!