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Saturday, February 25, 1911

Zanzibar at daybreak. It seemed mighty good to see the place once more, but I'm quite satisfied to be a transient this time, instead of a resident. Weddell and Vining came off on board for lunch, and seemingly enjoyed it. W. said the memory of that lamb chop would linger for months. 

She was booked to sail at 5 this afternoon, but the coolies struck at sundown. A fresh batch arrived on the scene, but it will delay [[strikethrough]] ed [[/strikethrough]] us until tomorrow morning. 

I went back to the house and had a peg with V. Beat it back on board at ten. And to bed. 

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Sunday, February 26, 1911

Pulled out of Zanzibar just as I got up. Left the island rather slowly, and pretty close to the mainland. Saw the exterior of Dares-salaam as we went along the coast,- finally lost the land around noontime, and haven't seen it since. Weather hot, but otherwise O.K.- calm, with just enough breeze - so far the old packet hasn't rolled, but I make no prognostications!

On my way home! I can't realize it yet, though. 

Saw the Zodiacal Light tonight. A soft, luminous cone of light,- not sharply defined, but easily discernable. I've looked for it before, in vain, many times. 

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