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Monday, February 27, 1911

Well out from Zanzibar today, but just as hot as if we were there. The "Dunvegan Castle" was evidently never intended for the East Coast run, but having the inconvenience of only single awnings uptop, we are pretty comfortable. 

There is a chorus lady sitting opposite me at table, but otherwise than her resemblance to Kerry of 372, I'm not interested. She and the Poiser are fairly thick. These brass-buttons are the dogs with the women. 

Weather has continued delightfully calm. Like glass this morning. I've been giving Astronomy lessons up on deck. 

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Tuesday, February 28, 1911

I hasten to add that my star pupils are two old gents and one middle-aged lady. The coryphee mentioned in ours of yesterday is not interested in stars,- save those of the theatrical firmament, I presume and s'pose. 

Mozambique early this morning. I went ashore for a short time. Odd place, with the usual Portogee fort in the foreground. Nothing else to see. Or if there was, I missed it, that's all. Missed the launch and came off in a shore sailboat, in a frightful stew for fear I'd miss the steamer. I got out just on scheduled time,- but we didn't sail until two hours later, of course. 

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