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Wednesday, March 1, 1911

Got off Chinde at four this afternoon. The bar-steamer came off to meet us, almost diving under through the rollers, and after tying up alongside, the passengers were put into a basket and swung over the side and onto the deck of the little boat. Excuse me from travelling in her! Absolutely. Positively not! We laid about four miles off shore while this was going on. Later on we passed the mouth of the Zambesi, but as they didn't approach any nearer than the horizon, the imagination and not the eye, received the main benefit. Going along well now, and due in Beira in the morning. 

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Thursday, March 2, 1911

Into Beira a little after daybreak. Odd pace. Sand and red-and-green-painted corrugated-iron houses, with push-gharries in the streets, similar to those in Mombasa. Hotter'n hell. Two rivers run into the harbor, creating a current, when the tide is ebbing, of about eight knots. Motor-launches take passengers from ship to shore, at three bob a time! There's money in that. Beira is the port for Rhodesia - Bulawayo- and also hauls Chinde cargo, which is del'd alongside here and towed to or from Chinde, as the case may be. 

Portuguese rule. Nuf ced. They say it has a future. The port,- not the rule. 

Transcription Notes:
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