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Friday, March 3, 1911

Last night Venus and the thin crescent moon were setting together,- a most beautiful sight, and one which I shall treasure for a long time to come. The sunsets coming down the Mozambique channel have been superb, too,- beyond description. The Cross is almost in the zenith as I turn in, and the Great Bear is just showing his toes in the north. It seems such a long way home! But I shall get there soon, Inshallah, and make up to someone for these three-and-a-half years.

Running between Beira and Delagoa Bay today. Ought to get there tomorrow night. 

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Saturday, March 4, 1911

Reached Lourenco Marques this afternoon,- in a thunder shower. Tied up to the first dock in my experience of the last three years and a quarter. 

The coryphee, the other day, told me the old one about "Put me in my little bed, accompanied by the curate." 'S evidently looking for someone to pay her hotel bill in Durban. She doesn't elect me. 

This town is pretty fair sized and has all sorts of things to pass away the time. Rinks, bars, and what-not. I rode in a real electric-car tonight for the first time in years. Trolley-rode around the belt line and got a fair view of the place. As a port it's place is already assured. 

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