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Sunday, March 5, 1911

Developed a sudden hankering to see Johannesburg, this morning and had a hell of a time, it being Sunday, before I could get the passes necessary in these here kentries. Four hours did I chase around in the sun, but it finally ended by my taking the one o'clock for Jo'burg. 

Reached the Transvaal frontier very soon, and from there on until night set in, the scenery along the line was delightful. Particularly the run along the valley of the Godwan river. Not so grand as the Rift Valley, but more compact,- scenes that the eye could grasp, instead of the miles and miles in the East African landscapes. The trip has been worth while already.

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March 6, 1911

Reached Johannesburg along about eight this morning. Breakfasted, and went to the Smith's office. He put me up at the Rand Club, which is damned nice of him. Being mail day, I relieved his troubles as much as possible by going over to Pretoria for the afternoon. Pretoria is a pretty little town nestling among the little hills of the veldt,- the capital of the former Boer Republic. Took a motor around town, saw a little of the place and [[strikethrough]] came [[/strikethrough]] got back to [[strikethrough]] (illegible) [[/strikethrough]] Jo'burg for dinner and the "vodeville". Why, Jo'burg is civilized! It is. And the Johannesburg girls are stunners. It is a great little burg, this. 

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