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Tuesday, March 7, 1911

"Seeing Joburg" continued. Smith took me for a bubble ride around the suburbs and out to the Country Club. That last place is delightful. Just as pretty as it can be, and that's heaps. On the go until train-time at eight from Park. 

Joburg is certainly a wonderful city. Over 100,000 white inhabitants, and yet only 25 years old. They sport about half a dozen theatres and over a thousand automobiles. It seems all the more strange as it is so far away,- right up in the high veldt, over a thousand miles from Capetown and four hundred to the nearest water, Delagoa. It would have been a pity to come along this coast and not have gone into the country. 

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Wednesday, March 8, 1911

The most interesting of scenes today. In the early morning, Majuba Hill, and then the scene of lancer's charge at Eland's Laagter, and Spion Kop. Through the hills to the Ladysmith, on to Colenso and the other battlefields along the line,- names on the whole world's tongue only such a short while ago. Some of the trenches and many little shelters remain and obelisks and tablets mark some of the famous spots. Every mile or less was a pitiful little group of graves, around which Kaffir cattle were grazing peacefully. It seemed hard to realize how deadly it all was only ten years ago. 

Natal is beautiful. It's truncated hills are so green,

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