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[[image - drawing of a flag ]]                                

it's maize and wattle and blue-gums so beautiful in the landscapes. The approach to Pietermaritzburg from the north is so charming! One discovers it first tucked away among the hills, a thousand feet below, and perhaps fifteen miles, as the crow files, away. For nearly an hour, then, the train[[strikethrough]] s [[/strikethrough]] coasts down and through hill after hill until the town is reached. It is beyond description! 

Durban at eight, and I write on the "Norman", having just come aboard.


Thursday. Mar. 9th.
That was a rotten train yesterday, but I was so enthusiastic in describing 

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Friday, March 10, 1911

9th (continued)
Natal that I forgot to mention the fact. The Delagoa Bay Portuguese train was much better. The only rottener one I've ever been on was the one from Rome to Naples, and that was Dago. 

My few hours spent in Durban were occupied by the circular trip around the Berea, to Umgeni, and to the beach. Durban all around seems to be a fine [[strikethrough]] (illegible) [[/strikethrough]] little city,- the suburbs are superb, the city is nice and clean, and the public buildings are fine structures. One would have to travel a long way to find a finer public building than the Durban Town Hall. The bathing beach is unique and well worth seeing. The Zulu ricksha boys, in all