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Wednesday, March 15, 1911

14th (continued)
than Groote Schuur would be hard to find. I went out there this morning, and walked perhaps four miles along the road at the top, right under Devil's Peak, past the big stone statue erected to Rhodes. The trees and the roads were so pretty, and the views from the top road,- over the Cape Flats,- so superb!

After lunch at Sea Point I walked along the Victoria Road, above the sea, as far as Camp's Bay, and then over the Kloof and back to town. More splendid views, over the sea, the Lion's Head and the Twelve Apostles, and over the town. Newson kindly took me out to dine with Mrs. N. and himself. They

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Thursday, March 16, 1911

14th (continued)

live right under the Lion's Head, which seemed to be almost toppling over on the house. I was willing to bet I could scramble to the top before dinner, and was almost on the point of suggesting it to Newson, when he told me it was an hour's stiff climb. The atmosphere is so remarkably clear here that distances are pretty hard for the uninitiated to judge. Back to the "Norman", and so to bed. 

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Wednesday, 15th

Sailing this afternoon, but I took advantage of the morning still left to us by taking the drive around Table