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Tuesday, March 21, 1911

The sixth day out. We've been having fine weather, but they're complaining of the heat. I've been told I'm the coolest looking man on the ship. Despite dark flannell. Gosh, I orter be used to the heat by this time!

Equinox today. Cameron had the nerve to hold his watch on the sun to see if it set "on time"!

At noon today we were 4°S,- just the latitude I started from out off the Gulf of Guinea. Of course we hain't seen no land, but we scored one steamer, and the funnels and masts of the "Walmer", yistiddy. 

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Wednesday, March 22, 1911

Crossed the Equator today. Some of the ladies were highly disappointed not to feel the bump as we went over the line, as expected. 

Knipe, he's the long Englishman in the brown suit, from B.C.A,- gave me a new bit of astronomical knowledge today. "O'Brien's belt", he says, "Is the brightest constipation in the fundament."

Be it remarked in passing that Venus cast a bright reflection on the sea tonight. 

'Twas another calm day, and my prodigious appetite has not forsooken me. But 'tis a long tedious run up this here west coast. 

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