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Saturday, March 25, 1911

A true one that came from Rhodesia. At the cheap 'all of the town,- no admission required, as long as you buy reasonable drinks, and all that sort of thing. 

The manager came out in front of the curtain, and announced, "Gentlemen, I beg to present, for the first time in Africa, Madame Camille Carmen, the wonderful double-voiced singer." Came on a big fat maid of about 250 lbs., who sang alternately in a high falsetto and a deep bass. A voice from the back of the audience, "Eh, Bill, 'ow'd yer like to turn in with that, wot?" Man in the front row turns and expostulates, " 'Arf [[continued at bottom of next page]]

25th (continued)

a mo', there! 'Arf a mo'! Give the bloody old cow a chance!
Which gallant defense the lady acknowledges with a smile and, "I'm glad to see there's [[underlined]] one [[/underlined]] gentleman in the house, anyway!"

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Sunday, March 26, 1911

Several exciting games of go-bang (noughts and crosses, as our cousins call 'em) today. They are getting onto the trix of the game. 
Several new stories:

The hero who rushed in just as the heroine expired, for one, and the Irishman who gave his inquisitor "two guesses", for another. 

Darter kindly asked me to dine with him next Sunday.

Transcription Notes:
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