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Sunday, April 2, 1911

smile. There she was, and you saw 'most everything. Poor thing, in this damp, chilly weather! I'm inclined to suspect her notoriety is due more to nakedness than artistic worth. 

I do like the English theatres, the few I've seen. There's plenty of room for your feet, the chairs are comfortable, [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] the buffets so tempting, and the program girls so refreshing!



A most enjoyable sojurn, from lunch to dinner, inclusive, in the house of Darter. They are mighty nice people, and turned my dull "Sunday in London" into pleasure. 

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Monday, April 3, 1911

The Tower this afternoon. Interesting and instructive, very, and a little creepy, on reflection. Execution blocks and axes couldn't help but be. Saw the Crown jools, too, all but the crown itself. The King was busy practising with it, in view of the coming coronation. Also the Abbey was closed, but I saw the outside of it, anyway. And the Hoss Guards, don't forget the 'oss Guards, at Whitehall. 

To the Lyric, where I muchly enjoyed "the Chocolate Soldier." The cast was excellent, music much above the average, and the piece was mounted well, too. Altogether it was a mitey fine production. 

Transcription Notes:
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