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[[preprinted]] Tuesday, April 4, 1911  [[/preprinted]]

Slingsby took me down to the Docks this morning, and we went over the ivory floor.  Interesting, of course.  Afterwards we lunched at Gattis', (yesterday Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese, by ye way) and then I went back to the hotel and put my things together.  

After that I had to climb into that uncomfortable tailcoat (a Tuxedo is a joy to wear), and then I descended to meet the Darters, who were dining with me.  We spent a quiet evening, and then I made my final preparations before I turned it.  It's still cold, and I feel it!

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[[preprinted]]  Wednesday, April 5, 1911  [[/preprinted]]

Gosh! Colder still. It'd been snowing about all night (in fact, it snowed the greater part of the time I was in England), and 'twas bitter cold.  After breakfast direct to the boat train.  We left Southampton on the "Adriatic" at about eleven o'clock, in a snowstorm, and it was blowing and snowing all the way over to Cherbourg and until I turned in for the night. Despite that, it was worth while staying on deck coming out of Southampton waters.  Saw several of the big liners, - had a battleship to keep us company on the way out, saw the Isle of Wight and Cherbourg both 

Transcription Notes:
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