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Monday, April 10, 1911

Got up this morning, but it was a rotten damp miserable day. Foggy outside, and the tooter was on all the time. Icebergs about, we saw a small one, and here we are in the latitude of Boston!

Had to stay indoors all day, and that, combined with my wobbly condition anyhow, and a roughening up sea, again put me on the blink, and at six I ingloriously retired, and ate my frugal dinner in bed.  I can't say that I'm enjoying this passage. 

It got damned rough in the night. She jumped all over the shop. It's still cold. 

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Tuesday, April 11, 1911

Don't know as there was anything in particular doing today. The sea's calmed down a bit, but we had a snowstorm in the afternoon. 

Been playing bridge a lot. Winning like hell, and it's just my luck there's no money on it. Had to stay indoors anyway, it was so bloody cold outside. 

Getting near the end of my journey, and damned glad I am of it, too. I've been about seven weeks getting home, and it's quite long enough. 

Transcription Notes:
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