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Wednesday, April 12, 1911

The weather has changed and for the better. It was almost comfortably warm today.

Just as I turned in, about midnight, we saw nantucket light-(O blessed sight!) and burned our signal lights as we passed. We'll be in dock tomorrow morning, Inshallah, and I'll feel pretty fine when I get them United States under my feet once more. 

It doesn't seem like any three years since last I was there. 

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20 West 40th Street
April 13, 1911

Docked at noon. Dike was on the wharf to meet me. The Customs took a little time, and twentyone dollars, and then I beat it for uptown. Dike wanted to go over to the Brevoort, as he hadn't any lunch, so we did, and Uncle Dwight joined us there. I was mighty glad to see him, and guess he was to see me. He and Dike looked just the same as of yore. I couldn't spot any changes.

In the evening Uncle Dwight [[strikethrough]] (illegible) [[/strikethrough]] staked the prodigal to "The Spring Maid," a pretty little Viennese waltz show. Enjoyed it muchly. Dike put me up at "his club", where I stopped the night. 

Transcription Notes:
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