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Friday, April 14, 1911

Down to the office this morning, where they extended the glad hand and didn't talk business, save to [[strikethrough]] tell [[/strikethrough]] ask me to consider over, in the next few weeks, whether I wanted to go out again or not, and to let them know. "No need to mention salary," said Jones. 

Uncle Dwight was busy in the evening, and Dike and I, left to our own devices, chose Lew Fields' show. It was just about as good a Broadway show as they put together nowadays, and that's goin' some. 

New York looks good! I used to hate the burg,- and now am beginning to think my failure to make good there was part of the reason. I viewed it

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Saturday, April 15, 1911

Left for Boston on the ten o'clock train, and Ern met me as we pulled in. Had a little shopping to do, and then we taxied out to the house, where I found all the J's, notably the younger sister, just as glad to see me as I was them. 

Edie hadn't changed any, neither had our feelings toward each other. We had a lot to say,- really didn't know where to begin. We sat up to a scandalously late hour, but under the circumstances didn't feel ourselves capable of saying goodnight any sooner. 

14th (continued)

with complacency this time, and believe some of it is coming my way some day.