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Nov. 8th, 09.


Messrs.Arnold,Cheney & Co.,
New York.


The second year of my contract with the Company being completed September last, and as I believe my present responsibilities are greater than those of my initial post, I should be grateful to you if you could allow me an increase of salary for this,my third year. My initial personal expenses caused by the transfer to this station,together with the increased prices for all necessary current expenses which obtain here, make the matter of an increase in salary a particularly important one to me.

As yet I have had no reply to my application for the post of Consular Agent at Mombasa,but in a personal letter from Mr.A.L.M. Gottschalk,Cons-Gen.,who forwarded the application,he writes that what is possible is that since the Company's representatives have been prominent so long in the Service on this coast and elsewhere,and as the Zanzibar representative of the Company is now Vice-Consul at that nearby port, the Department may hesitate to incur the possible reproach of overfavoring one firm.

I am glad to say my health continues excellent,as it has been ever since my arrival in the East. 

Trusting my above request re my salary will receive your kind consideration,and assuring you that any favorable action will be appreciated,I am, 

Yours faithfully,