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#82 Beaver Street,
New York City, Dec. 8-09.
E.R. Domansky Jr. Esq.,
British East Africa.
Dear Sir,-
Your letter of November 8th duly received. The question of your salary for the third and concluding year of your contract, has received attention and should have been sooner taken up. The work you are doing at present in Mombasa, calls for added remuneration and we intend to give it to you.
We regret that we cannot do it, with entire pleasure, for while eminently satisfactory in many ways, there have been more than one account which have caused us to doubt your judgement on important affairs.
It is imperative for us and you have been told so, to hold Ali Viseram as the most important native merchant in your territory. We do not suppose that you or anyone else, could get Viseram to sell you good for less money than others, but your cables for the past four or five months would look as though we could only get goods from Viseram if we paid more than Childs & Co. were offering. In other words, the preference instead of being with us, was with Childs & Co. If Parr is abler than you are, that is nothing that you can be justly blamed for, but it might be offset partly if you had Viseram's firm in such a condition that they would post you fully, and you could send the information on to us.