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J  October 24th, 07

Messrs. Arnold, Cheney & Co.

We confirm our letter of the 15th inst., cables, of the 21, 22 and 23d, and acknowledge receipt of your letters of October 1st and 2d, and cables of the 19th, 22d and 23d.

We were a little confused as to what your cables mean in regard to Messa on the Shanghai cotton goods, but assume that for financial reasons, he wishes to take up 500 and odd bales in this month and 500 bales next month, so that he will not have to pay us the value of more than 500 bales in one month. If this understanding is correct, why we have no fault, if it is incorrect, it would be well for you to advise us by cable, immediately in receipt of this. We understand that he advances 80% of the invoice value, and sells the goods for us on commission, subject to our approval, as to price.

The 260 bales of Dwight D's, per S.S. "BRAEMER" as advised to you, are for sale, and do not become a delivery against the sale to Messa. We confirm authority to you, to sell this at Rs 140. ex quay, to Messa or to others.

We notice that Messa has 81 tusks of Ivory, of 60 lbs. average, and that you also think his entire stock of Large ivory amounts