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^[[Mr. Domansky]]  Dr 
For the month of ^[[June]] 190 

[[table, 4 columns]] 
  | Rs. | As. | P.
[[first column printed, others handwritten]] 
Donation |  |  | 
Subscription | 7 |  | 
Arrears |  |  | 
Racquets |  |  | 
Golf |  |  | 
Card Account |  |  | 
Drinks Account & Ice | 2 | 12 | 3 
Use of card table |  |  |  
Total | 9 | 12 | 3  
^[Recd payment]] 
^[[Hony Secy Aden Gymkhana Crater]]

^[[Kindly pay to Main Cm.]]

Hon. Secretary. 
Dated         190
Crater Gymkhana