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[[preprinted form]]
[[all transcription is the preprinted form unless otherwise noted]]
Aden, Dated, [[underline]] [[handwritten]] 1st August, [[/handwritten]]  190 [[underline]]  [[handwritten]] 8  [[/handwritten]] 

[[underline]] [[handwritten]] E. R. Damausky Esq [[/handwritten]] Dr. 

[[four columns: Notes | Rs. | A. | P. ]]

     | RS. | A. | P.
Arrears for the Month of _______________ |  |  | 
Donation ... ... ... ... ... ... ...     |  |  |
Subscription  for the Month of [[underline]] [[handwritten]] July.  |  8  |  8  |  "  [[/handwritten]]
Absentee subscription "  "  [[underline]] |  |  |
Library Subscription  "  "  [[underline]] [[handwritten]]  " [[ditto refers to 'July.' above]]  |  1  |  8  |  "   
Newspapers for Quarter ending [[underline]] |  |  |
Due on account of Wines, &c., for the Month of [[underline]] [[handwritten]]  " [[ditto refers to 'July.' above]] |  15  |  5  |  9
" [[ditto refers to 'Due on account of']] Table [[underline]] "  |  16  |  12  |  " [[ditto refers to the number '9' above]]
" [[ditto refers to 'Due on account of']] Billiards  |  |  |
" [[ditto refers to 'Due on account of']] Charge for Playing Cards |  |  |
" [[ditto refers to 'Due on account of']] Cash  |  |  |
" [[ditto refers to 'Due on account of']] Stamps  |  |  |
" [[ditto refers to 'Due on account of']] Bath  |  |  |
" [[ditto refers to 'Due on account of']] Subscription Dance on [[underline]] |   |   |
" [[ditto refers to 'Due on account of Subscription']] Dinner on [[underline]] |  |  |
" [[ditto refers to 'Due on account of']] Dinner Band |  |  |
" [[ditto refers to 'Due on account of']] Breakages  |  |  |
" [[ditto refers to 'Due on account of']] Theatre Tickets |  |  |
" [[ditto refers to 'Due on account of']] Raffle |  |  |
[[ditto refers to 'Due on account of']] Derby Sweep |  |  |
[[preprinted underlines]] [[handwritten]] one ticket for cinemetograph |   |   |
Show at the club on 21.7.08. |  3  |  " [[ditto refers to the number '12' above]]  |  " [[ditto refers to the number '9' above]]
[[three rows with no entries]]
     |  45  |  1  |  9  √    [[/handwritten]] 
Card or Snooker a/c...  |  " [[ditto refers to the number '45' above]] | " [[ditto refers to the number '1' above]] | " [[ditto refers to the number '9' above]]
[[underlined]] TOTAL Rs... |  45  |  1  |  9  √ [[/underlined]]

Received payment.
[[image - postage stamp of India.  Text on stamp says ONE ANNA    INDIA POSTAGE & REVENUE]]]]
[[handwritten signature]]  Chas [[illegible last name]] [[/handwritten signature]]
Honorary Secretary, Union Club, Aden.
[[illegible handwritten initials]]

[[centered]] N.B. -- This Bill should always be sent when payment is made. [[/centered]]