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there appointed by the Meeting, who shall examine the papers and notify the final result. 

If any Member is unwilling to fill the office to which he may have been elected, the General Meeting may at once proceed to fill the vacancy so created. In the event of a vacancy occurring during the year, the Committee shall be empowered to fill it. Any Member, except the President, absent from Zanzibar for more than three months, shall be deemed to have vacated his appointment. Before filling a vacancy in the appointment of Secretary for a special game, the wishes of the majority of Members interested in that game must be ascertained. Five Members of Committee shall form a quorum.

[[in margin]]Subscription.[[/in margin]] 4. The Entrance Fee shall be Rs. 10.

The Monthly Subscription shall be Rs. ^[[6]] to be paid ^[[monthly]] 
[[strikethrough]]quarterly[[/strikethrough]] in advance ^[[and that annus 2 be paid by any Member wishing to play tennis a book to be kept at the courts for this purpose.]]

Members absent from Zanzibar for one or more calendar months shall receive a rebate of subscription if paid, or pay no subscription

[[in margin]]Temporary Members.[[/in margin]] 5. Any Gentleman not resident in Zanzibar may, on being duly proposed and seconded, be elected a Temporary Member by the Committee. 

He shall be exempt from payment of Entrance Fee, and shall pay monthly in advance, after a period of ten days, the usual subscription of Rs. 4 1/2. He shall have all the privileges of Membership, but shall not vote at Meetings, nor propose or second the election of a new Member. 

The privilege shall cease in three months, but may be renewed.

In the event of a Temporary Member not paying the amounts due to the Club, the Proposer and Seconder shall be hold liable. 

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Officers of H. M. Navy shall be invited to become Temporary Members. 

They shall pay the usual subscription of Rs. 4 1/2 per month, payable monthly, or, if their Ship remains in harbour for any less period than a month, at the rate of Rs. 1 1/2 per week, or part of a week. 
[[in margin]]Visiting Naval Officers.[[/in margin]] 6. The Committee shall have power, in the event of Men-of-War passing through Zanzibar and not remaining on the Station, to elect the Officers of such Ships as Honorary Members. 

[[in margin]]Lady Members.[[/in margin]] 7. All Ladies related to a Member, are entitled to the use of the Club as Lady Members, without payment. Under special circumstances, not otherwise provided for, Ladies many be invited by the Committee to become Lady Members. 

[[in margin]]Honorary Members.[[/in margin]] 8. A Member may introduce and Lady or Gentleman staying temporarily in Zanzibar as an Honorary Member, for a period not exceeding ten days. 

[[in margin]]Meetings.[[/in margin]] 9. The 
Annual General Meeting shall be held in the month of January, for the purpose of receiving the accounts of the Club for the past year. 

Any motion to be brought before the Meeting shall be forwarded to the Honorary Secretary and posted in the Pavilion not less than five days beforehand. Special Meetings may be called at any time by the Committee, or at the requisition of not fewer than 12 Members of the Club. Notice of such special Meeting and the object thereof shall be posted in the Pavilion not less than five days beforehand. 

Absent Members paying Subscription shall have the right of voting by Proxy. 

[[in margin]]Bye-laws.[[/in margin]] 10. The Committee shall have power to make such Bye-laws as they may deem advisable, and to alter the same from time to time as they may think necessary.