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15. All liquors rejected by members shall be submitted to the Wine Committee and if found unsound the loss will be borne by the Club, otherwise the whole charge must be paid by the member complaining.

16. No drinks will be served unless the order is accompanied by a chit.

[[bold]]Billiard Room.[[/bold]]

17. The Billiard Room shall be opened at 9.30 a. m. and closed at 1 a. m.

The tariff of charges shall be posted up in the room. Any damage done to the cloth or table shall be assessed by the Committee and paid for by the member causing the damage.

[[bold]]Library Rules.[[/bold]]

1. The Library shall be managed by Hon. Librarian.

2. Every member shall be entitled to borrow three books from the Library at one time but no further books shall be taken out by any member who has already three in his possession.

3. Books which have been in the Library for a period of less than two months may be retained for seven days only at a time.

Other books may be retained for fourteen days.

4. The Honorary Librarian shall send a notice to any member retaining a book beyond the period prescribed in Rule No. 3.  Should such member fail to return the book within three days of the receipt of such notice he shall be fined

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Rs. 5 for each week or part of a week during which he retains it.

5. No member shall remove any books without recording its name and number in the Register kept for the purpose.

6. Any person damaging or losing book shall be charged with the cost of repairing or replacing.

7. A book shall be kept in which members can propose new and suitable books, the final selection remaining with the Librarian or the Committee.

10. All complaints in connection with the Library shall be entered in a book kept by the Honorary Librarian for the purpose.

11. Newspapers, Periodicals and works of reference are on no account to be removed, even temporarily from the Club premises.

By Order of the Executive Committee.

[[bold]]FRED. H. PEARCE,[[/bold]]
[[italic]]Honorary Secretary.[[/italic]]
Zanzibar, April, 1909.