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Aden ^[[31st Decem]] 190^[[7]] 

^[[E. R. Domansky Esqr.]] 

Bought of Pallonjee, Dinshaw & Co., 
Interest charged at the rate of nine percent per annum on all accounts not paid within one month.[[/strikethrough]]  

[[table, 4 columns]] 
190^[[7]] | Amount of account rendered.                    |            |
Decem 1   | 1 Bottle Black beer                            | - / 11 / - |
      2   | 1 Box Chocolate biscuits                       | 1 / -- / - |
      3   | 1 Pkt visiting Cards                           | - /  6 / - |
          | 1 Xmas card                                    | - /  4 / - | 
      6   | 1 Bottle Jordan almond crosse                  | 1 /  4 / - |
          | 1 Tin Aspinal enamel-                          |            | 
          |    -paint from Point.                          | 1 / -- / - | 
      7   | 1 Box Chocolate biscuits                       | 1 / -- / - | 
     20   | 1 " Do "[[dittos for: Box Chocolate Biscuits]] | 1 / -- / - | 
     21   | 1 "[[ditto for: box]] Stationary               | - / 14 / - | 
     23   | 1 Pkt Note papers (thick)                      | 1 / -- / - |
          | 4 "[[ditto for: Pkt]] Think Envelopes          | 1 /  8 / - | 9 / 15 / -
          |                                                |         Rs | 9 / 15 / - 

Received with thanks 
for Pallonjee Dinshaw & Co
D. E. Bhot.

E. & O. E. 