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352   DOUGLASS' MONTHLY.  October,1860.
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In conclusion, ladies, permit me to tender you my grateful acknowledgments for the kind invitation you have extended to me.  I trust I shall not be accused of a want of gallantry, if I claim a postponement of my visit until I shall have obtained the papers above referred to.  In the meantime, I remain truly
Your obedient servant,

A noble letter! such an one as a Missouri Republican might be expected to write.  The act which it records will be a source of unfailing consolation to its author as long as he lives; and who does not believe that when he lies down to die, the consciousness that he has not blood money on his soul will give his spirit an easy and buoyant flight?

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This meeting convened at Syracuse on Wednesday, the 29th of Aug., at 10 o'clock A. M.  T. B. Mc'Cormick, of Ohio, was chosen President; Ellis Clisbee, of N. Y., Vice President; and G. W. Putnam, and G. L. Brockett, of N. Y., Secretaries.

Prayer was offered by Rev. Mr. Gordon, of Ohio.

A Business Committee was appointed, consisting of Geo. Gordon, of Ohio, James E. N. Backus, of N. Y., Stephen S. Foster, of Mass., Frederick Douglass, of N. Y., Mrs. Elizabeth C. Stanton, of N. Y., and Charles A. Hammond, of N. Y.

A letter of Hon. Gerrit Smith, inclosing fifty dollars, to the Convention, was then read; also letters from Charles C. Foote, of Mich., Jas. Gregg, of N. Y., Geo. Buchanan and Jas. Catlin, of Penn. and L. C. Hough, of Ohio.

A Committee on Finance was appointed consisting of Chas. A. Hammond, J. C. Harrington, and T. L. Carson, for the purpose of attending to the printing and distribution of tickets, publishing letters, &c.

Two o'clock P. M. was fixed on as the hour for nominations.

The Business Committee then retired, when Mr. W. S. Bailey, editor of the [[italic]]Free South[[/italic]] newspaper, at Newport, Ky., addressed the Convention, advocating radical views, and complaining of Cassius M. Clay, for his desertion of the Radicals of Kentucky in the hour of trial.  The Convention  then adjourned till half-past one o'clock.


Mr. Geo. W. Putnam, at the opening of the meeting, offered a resolution denouncing C. M. Clay for his conduct toward the Kentucky Abolitionists, which, after considerable discussion, was laid upon the table, to attend to nominations.

C. A. Hammond moved the nomination of GERRIT SMITH for President, which, after considerable discussion, was carried, a very respectable minority preferring Wm. Goodell.

SAMUEL MCFARLAND, of Penn., was nominated for Vice President.

A collection was taken up to defray necessary expenses.

A National Committee was then appointed, consisting of W. W. Chapman, of New York, Stephen S. Foster, of Mass., Mrs. E. C. Stanton, of N. Y., Chas. C. Foote, of Mich., and T. B. McCormick, of Ohio as Chairman.

The Convention than took a recess of half an hour, when a State Convention was organized, when a State Convention was organized, and Ellis Clizbee, of Montgomery, was called to the Chair, and G. W. Putnam, of Oneida, appointed Secretaries.

The following persons were then chosen as candidates for Presidential electors:

[[italic]]Electors at Large.[[/italic]]

Frederick Douglass,
J. C. Harrington.

[[italic]]District Electors.[[/italic]]

Chas. A. Hammond,
Geo. W. Putnam,
Otis Simmons,
Benjamin Horton,
W. F. Sheldon,
Zenas Brockett,
Geo. L. Brockett,
John P. Belker,
Robert Pike
Ira Hills,
Hugh Smith,
Victor Kingsley,
James Gregg,
Stephen H. Taft,
Wm. S. Laney,
Montgomery Merrick,
Hamilton Littlefield,
John B. Edwards,

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Olney Place,
James Osborn,
Edwin W. Loomis,
W. L. Lyman,
Ellis Clizbee,
Wm. Shattuck,
Thos. G. White,
Caleb Calkins,
Wm. A. Babcock,
Silas F. Fyler,
Henry Collings,
Wm. O. Duvall,
John W. Sawyer,
Jacob Randall,
Hiram B. Lewis.

WILLIAM GOODELL was then nominated for Governor, SIDNEY A. BEERS for Lieutenant Governor, ZENAS BROCKETT for Canal Commissioner, and ELLIS CLIZBEE for State Prison Inspector.

A State Committee, consisting of W. W. Chapman, Otis Simmons, J. C. Harrington, C. A. Hammond, and Geo. W. Clark, were then chosen, after which the State Convention adjourned [[italic]]sine die[[/italic]], and the National Convention resumed its session.

Chas. A. Hammond reported, on behalf of the Business Committee, the following resolutions:

WHEREAS, The sole legitimate end of all true government, is the protection of human rights, the execution of equal and exact justice between a man and his neighbor; and whereas, the parties whose nominations are already before the people do not even profess this as their great object, but on the contrary, are forward to assure slaveholders, who trample on all human rights, that they will proteet them in so doing; therefore,

1.  Resolved, That the friends of GOVERNMENT, as opposed to disorder, violence, and outrage, have no other alternative but to make a new nomination for President and Vice President of these United States.

2.  Resolved, That while we regard with unmitigated abhorrence, the dogma of the Breckinridge party, that slaves are, by natural law, the property of their masters, and hence to be protected as property, in the Territories, still we are sensible that this position is the only one which any can consistently take, who refuse to hoist the flag of Radical Abolition; and that we shall expect to see all who now occupy the compromise positions of the Douglas and Republican parties, or the non-committal platform of the Bell party, to ultimately range themselves under the piratical flag of the universality of the rights of slavery, or the only righteous one of the entire extinction of the monster.

3.  Resolved, That for Abolitionists to vote for a candidate like Abraham Lincoln, who stands ready to execute the accursed Fugitive Slave Law, to suppress insurrection among slaves, to admit new slave States, and to support the ostracism, socially and politically, of the black man of the North, is to give the lie to their profession, to expose their hypocrisy to the world, and to do what they can, to put far off the day of the slave's deliverance.

4.  Resolved, That the almost infinitesimal amount of anti-slavery professions made by the Republican party, are entirely inadequate to cover or excuse the Heaven-defying effrontery with which it proclaims its intentions to 'quiet agitation' upon the subject of the slave's right to liberty.

5.  Resolved, That in refusing to protect the people from the desolating scourges of the rum traffic, where it not only has the power, but an admitted right to do so, it has demonstrated that a party that allows the rights of the black man to be outraged, cannot be relied on for protection to the white population.

6  Resolved, That as rights are not governed by the accident of color or condition, so, too, do we deny that the difference of sex, causes difference in rights; that woman has as perfect social property, and political rights, as man.

7.  Resolved, That we demand, at the hands of our National Government, a Homestead Bill, which shall not only leave every landless settler the opportunity to acquire a home without money and without cost,(save the cost of transfer,) but we also demand of it a statue against land monopoly.

8.  Resolved, That for the present wide-spread corruption in public and in private life, the general indifference to the rights of the weak and helpless, and for the ruin which, as a nation, stares us in the face in consequence thereof the popular religion of this country is mainly responsible.

9.  Resolved, That until the religion of Love to God and Man, manifesting itself in inflexible adherence to the known will of the former, and unyielding regard for the rights and interests of the latter, takes the place of the solemn shams and imposing nonsense which is now palmed

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off upon the people as the true religion, we shall continue to be cursed with the rule of slavery, rum, and whatever embodiment of selfishness and pride happens to be most potent in its influence upon the popular mind.

Mr. Chapman presented the following, which was adopted.

10.  Resolved, That Radical Abolitionism possesses a strong temperance element; and it is the design of the Radical Abolitionists to recommend stringent legislation on this subject, and to withhold their political suffrage from all the opponents of Temperance.

After considerable discussion, and some trifling amendments, they were adopted.

The Convention then adjourned till half-past seven o'clock.


In the evening, Mr. G. W. Putnam offered the following resolutions:

11.  Resolved, That we look with pleasure upon the constant growth in the public mind of the fact that Slavery is always and everywhere an OUTLAW; ever to be met with such means as an outraged people may choose.

12  Resolved, therefore, That the noble conduct of the rescuers of Nalle, in Troy, a few months since, the courage and devotion evinced by them on that occasion, is full of encouragement that the reign of slavery cannot last forever.

13.  Resolved, That the recent action of the Grand Jury in refusing to find bills against the rescuers of Nalle, meets our highest approbation, and we trust their example will be followed in all similar cases.

14.  Resolved, That the recent conflagrations and revolts in Texas are to be looked upon only as the natural and legitimate results of the system of slavery; that the courage and devotion of the slaves as exhibited on that occasion, in boldly declaring their complicity in the revolt, and meeting fearlessly the consequence - DEATH! - demonstrate the innate nobleness of the colored race; and that in all such attempts we feel that the slave deserves and must receive the warm sympathies of all the real friends of liberty throughout the world.

Speeches in favor of the above resolutions were made by G. W. Putnam, C. D. B. Mills, Prof. Brockett, C. A. Hammond, and others, and passed by acclamation.

G. W. Putnam offered also the following resolution which passed unanimously:

15.  Resolved, That the recent conduct of Cassius M. Clay in abandoning and giving up to the tender mercies of an infuriated pro slavery mob, John G. Fee and the rest of the noble band of Radical Abolitionists in Kentucky, is in perfect keeping with his basenesss - when, a few years since, with loud professions of love of liberty, he VOLUNTEERED to fight the battles of slavery in Mexico; and that in the light of these facts, the reputation for courage and devotion to Right which he has so long held, is a reputation obtained under false pretences, and utterly without foundation.

In the after part of the session, letters were received from B. G. Wright, of Ill., also a set of resolutions from J. B. Dawson, adopted at a meeting of Radical Abolitionists in Martinsburg, Ohio.

The President, Mr. McCormick, made some remarks, when the Convention adjourned.

T. B. McCormick, [[italic]]Pres't.[[/italic]]

G. W. PUTNAM, } [[italic]]Secretaries.[[/italic]]

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Single Copies, to American subscribers, $1 per year.
" " [[ditto for: Single Copies,]] to British "  [[ditto for: subscribers,]]5s. sterling.

Subscriptions mus be paid for [[italic]]invariably in advance.[[/italic]].

All communications, whether on business or for publication, should be addressed to

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[[italic]]AGENTS IN GREAT BRITAIN.[[/italic]]

We take the liberty of using the names of the following gentlemen who will receive names and subscriptions for [[italic]]Douglass' Monthly[[/italic]] in Great Britain:

[[italic]]Halifax[[/italic]] - REV. RUSSELL LANT CARPENTER, Milton Place; REV. Dr. CROFTS, North Parade.

[[italic]]London[[/italic]] - Mr. L. A. CAMEROVZOW, Anti-Slavery Office, 27, New Broad Street, E. C.

[[italic]]Dublin[[/italic]] - Mr. WM. WEBB, 52, High Street, and 8, Dunville Avenue, Rathmines.

[[italic]]Derby[[/italic]] - Dr. SPENCER T. HALL, Burton Road.

[[italic]]Glasgow[[/italic]] - Mr. JOHN SMITH, 173, Trongate.

[[italic]]Leeds[[/italic]] - Mr. ARTHUR HOLLAND, 4, Park Row.

[[italic]]Newcastle-on-Tyne[[/italic]] - Mr. WALTER S. PRINGLE.

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