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370  DOUGLASS' MONTHLY  December, 1860
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[[bold]] THE LATE ELECTION. [[/bold]]
Our last monthly paper announced the probable election of ABRAHAM LINCOLN and HANNIBAL HAMLIN, the Republican candidates for President and Vice President of the U. S. What was then only speculation and probability, is now an accomplished fact. Pennsylvania, in her State election of October, it is true, had made this result, to a degree, certain ; but there were efforts and appliances resorted to by the enemies of the Republican party, which could not fail to cause doubt and anxiety in the minds of the most sanguine.--The deed is, however, now done, and a new order of events connected with the great question of slavery, is now fairly opening upon the country, the end whereof the most sagacious and far-sighted are unable to see and declare. No preceding election resembles this in its issues and parties, and none resembles it in the effects it has already produced, and is still likely to produce. It was a contest between sections, North and South, as to what shall be the principles and policy of the national Government in respect to the slave system of the fifteen Southern States. The broadest assertion of a right of property in man, holding such property equally innocent, sacred and legal under the Constitution, as property in houses, lands, horses, sheep, and horned cattle, and like the latter entitled to Congressional protection in all the Territories, and by parity of reasoning, in all the States of the American Union. The Southern candidate for the Presidency, Mr. BRECKINRIDGE, fully represented this broad assertion of what Lord MANSFIELD well declared to be so opposed to nature, that nothing short of positive law could support it, and BROUGHAM denounced as the 'wild and guilty fantasy' of property in man.  Mr. LINCOLN, the Northern Republican candidate, while admitting the right to hold men as slaves in the States already existing, regards such property as peculiar, exceptional, local, generally an evil, and not to be extended beyond the limits of the States where it is established by what is called positive law.  We thus simply state the issue, more for the benefit of our trans-Atlantic friends and readers, than for those at home, who have heard and read little else during the last three or four months.  The clamor now raised by the slaveholders about 'Northern aggression,' 'sectional warfare,' as a pretext of dissolving the Union, has this basis only: The Northern people have elected, against the opposition of the slaveholding South, a man for President who declared his opposition to the further extension of slavery over the soil belonging to the United States.  Such is the head and front, and the full extent of the offense, for which 'minute men' are forming, drums are beating, flags are flying, people are arming, 'banks are closing,' 'stocks are falling,' and the South generally taking on dreadfully.
     By referring to another part of our present monthly, our respected readers will find a few samples of the spirit of the Southern press on the subject.  They are full of intrigue, smell of brimstone, and betoken a terrific explosion.   Unquestionably, 'secession,' 'disunion,' 'Southern Confederacy,' and the like phrases, are the most popular political watch words of the cotton-growing States of the Union.  Nor is this sentiment to be entirely despised.  If Mr. LINCOLN were really
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an Abolition President, which he is not; if he were a friend to the Abolition movement, instead of being, as he is, its most powerful enemy, the dissolution of the Union might be the only effective mode of perpetuating slavery in the Southern States -- since if it could succeed, it would place slavery beyond the power of the President and his Government.  But the South has now no such cause for disunion.  The present alarm and perturbation will cease; the Southern fire-eaters will be appeased and will retrace their steps. -- There is no sufficient cause for the dissolution of the Union.  Whoever lives through the next four years will see Mr. LINCOLN and his Administration attacked more bitterly for their pro-slavery truckling, than for doing any anti-slavery work.  He and his party will become the best protectors of slavery where it now is, and just such protectors as slaveholders will most need.  In order to defeat him, the slaveholders took advantage of the ignorance and stupidity of the masses, and assured them that LINCOLN is an Abolitionist.  This, Mr. LINCOLN and his party will lose no time in scattering to the winds as false and groundless.  With the single exception of the question of slavery extension, Mr. LINCOLN proposes no measure which can bring him into antagonistic collision with the traffickers in human flesh, either in the States or in the District of Columbia.  The Union will, therefore, be saved simply because there is no cause in the election of Mr. LINCOLN for its dissolution.  Slavery will be as safe, and safer, in the Union under such a President, than it can be under any President of a Southern Confederacy. This is our impression, and we deeply regret the facts from which it is derived.
     With an Abolition President we should consider a successful separation of the slave from the free States a calamity, greatly damaging to the prospects of our long enslaved brused [[sic]] and mutilated people; but under what may be expected of the Republican party, with its pledges to put down the slaves should they attempt to rise, and to hunt them should they run away, a dissolution of the Union would be highly beneficial to the cause of liberty. -- The South would then be a Sicily, and the North a Sardinia. Mr. LINCOLN would then be entirely absolved from his slave-hunting, slave-catching and slave-killing pledges, and the South would have to defend slavery with her own guns, and hunt her negroes with her own dogs.  In truth, we really wish those brave, fire-eating, cotton-growing States would just now go at once outside the Union and set up for themselves, where they could be got at without disturbing other people, and got away from without encountering other people. Such a consummation was 'one devoutly to be wished.' But no, cunning dogs, they will smother their rage, and after all the dust they can raise, they will retire within the Union and claim its advantages.
     What, then, has been gained to the anti-slavery cause by the election of Mr. LINCOLN? Not much, in itself considered, but very much when viewed in light of its relations and bearings. For fifty years the country has taken the law from the lips of an exacting, haughty and imperious slave oligarchy.  The masters of slaves have been the masters of the Republic.  Their authority was almost undisputed, and their power irresistible
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   They were the President makers of the Republic, and no aspirant dared to hope for success against their frown.  LINCOLN'S election has vitiated their authority, and broken their power.  It has taught the North its strength, and shown the South its weakness.  More important still, it has demonstrated the possibility of electing, it not an Abolitionist, at least an [[italics]] anti-slavery reputation [[/italics]] to the Presidency of the United States.  The years are few since it was thought possible that the Northern people could be wrought up to the exercise of such startling courage.  Hitberto [[sic]] the threat of disunion has been as potent over the politicians of the North, as the cat-o'-nine-tails is over the backs of the slaves.  Mr. LINCOLN'S election breaks his enchantment, dispells [[sic]] this terrible night mare, and awakes the nation to the consciousness of new powers, and the possibility of a higher destiny than the perpetual bondage to an ignoble fear.
     Another probable effect will be to extinguish the reviving fires of the accursed foreign slave trade, which for a year or two have been kindled all along the Southern coast of the Union.  The Republican party is under no necessity to pass laws on this subject.  It has only to enforce and execute the laws already on the statute book.  The moral influence of such prompt, complete and unflinching execution of the laws, will be great, not only in arresting the specific evil, but in arresting the tide of popular demoralization with which the successful prosecution of the horrid trade in naked men and women was over-spreading the country.  To this duty, the Republican party will be prompted, not only by the conscience of the North, but by what perhaps will be more controlling party interests.
     It may also be conceded that the election of LINCOLN and HAMLIN, notwithstanding the admission of the former that the South is entitled to an efficient Fugitive Slave Law, will render the practice of recapturing and returning to slavery persons who have heroically succeeded, or may hereafter succeed in reaching the free States, more unpopular and odious, than it would have been had either DOUGLAS, BELL OR BRECKINRIDGE been elected.  Slaves may yet be hunted, caught and carried back to slavery, but the number will be greatly diminished, because of the popular disinclination to execute the cruel and merciless Fugitive Slave Law.  Had LINCOLN been defeated, the fact would have been construed by slaveholders, and their guilty minions of the country, as strong evidence of the soundness of the North in respect to the alleged duty of hounding down and handing over the panting fugitive to the vengeance of his infuriated master.  No argument is needed to prove this gain to the side of freedom.
     But chief among the benefits of the election, has been the canvass itself. Notwithstanding the many cowardly disclaimers, and miserable concessions to popular prejudice against the colored people, which Republican orators have felt themselves required, by an intense and greedy desire of success, to make, they have been compelled also to recur to first principles of human liberty, expose the baseless claim of property in man, exhibit the hideous features of slavery, and to unveil, for popular execration, the brutal manners and morals of the guilty slave-masters. -- The canvass has sent all over the North
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