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better than expected

Maria [[?]]out there looking around, out finding food sites.
[[strikethrough]]dinner Silva Jardin[[/strikethrough]]
[[underlined]]Overnite PdA[[/underline]]

Lou Ann
Aristedes & Jessie
food at Silva Jardin
cold water showers at Pesagro.
Problem of distance between Pesagro & PdA
Andy in kitchen

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[[start page]]

27 July

[[line with slash mark through it]] PdA early
Pack up Silva Jardin crew.
Observ N.O.
Lanc fall 10am
Very noisy group in A.M.
Find lots of food sites.
[[section circled, arrow points circled section toward above "Pick up Silva"]] DAk drives from PdA to Pesagro in AM[[/circled]]

Work w/ Beate & NO group until 4PM Cibele leaves for good.